Thursday 28 March 2013

SHOCKER From A Woman: 10 Reasons Why A Dog Is Better Than A Woman!

Jennifer Aniston once said she prefers dogs to men because they 'make better companions' and offer 'unconditional love'.

This week video blogger Emily Hartridge argues that four-legged friends are better than women too, in an online post that is sure to infuriate her army of female fans.

The controversial comic likes to cause a stir with her weekly diatribes and this provocative '10 reasons why' explores girls' most annoying habits from a man's point of view.

As well as comparing women and dogs as running partners ('Dogs never get tired, they are always right by your side and they always have so much energy') 28-year-old Emily explains that canines are a lot easier to live with generally as they don't spend their time hating their bodies, moaning about other girls and over analysing relationships.

She imagines that dogs are more fun because they can't talk, illustrated by shots of her yapping incessantly in to a pretend boyfriend's ear.

Presenter Emily also reminds the viewer that dogs wait by the door for their owners and get excited when they are late - both very unlikely situations for a girlfriend to ever find herself in.

But before her feminist fans get too upset Emily makes sure that we know she is simply poking fun at the differences between the sexes in her own wry way as she poses with a leash around her neck to illustrate reason number 10 ('It's legal to keep a dog chained up') ... at least, we hope she's joking.

See more from Emily at her YouTube channel and on Twitter

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