Wednesday 20 March 2013


1]. Obama's re-election came with the unemployment rate pegged at 7.9%, the highest level for a re-elected president in more than 70 years.

2]. Obama won his home state of Illinois as well as Romney's home state of Massachussets and Romney's birth state of Michigan.

3]. The breakdown of voters, according to the early exit polls, was 73% white, 13% African American, 10% Latino and 3% Asian.

4]. Obama was supported most strongly by women, African Americans, Latinos (Hispanics) and young voters; while Romney did better among wealthy and middle class white men, from senior citizens down to 30-year olds.

5]. Women handed Obama big margins of victory in battleground states, and they turned out in greater numbers than their male counterparts.

6]. Obama's victory was helped by: i) Women who wanted more reproductive rights, particularly unmarried women who favoured the legalization of abortion. ii) People who wanted tax hikes on all income earners, particularly raising taxes on those earning more than $250,000 a year. iii) Those who wanted illegal immigrants working in the country to be offered the chance to apply for legal status.

7]. Obama won his re-election bid partly because Romney focused most of his attention on Obama's not-too-fantastic job record and state of the economy instead of other crucial matters that also mattered to the electorate.

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