Saturday 23 March 2013


The average adult has six litres (10 pints) of blood circulating in the body. Normal blood pressure is the pumping force of the heart required to ensure blood reaches all tissues. It depends on the strength of the heartbeat and the conditions of the blood vessels. If it is too low, the vital organs will be unable to function properly, and the symptoms and signs of shock may develop. If the blood pressure is continually too high (common as age increases), and perhaps in association with hardening of the arteries, rupture of the blood vessel may occur, giving rise to internal bleeding (e.g. cerebral haemorrhage, a form of stroke). If not treated on time, high blood pressure can lead to stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, and eventually death.

High blood pressure also called hypertension is a kind of health problem where the blood pressure is continually high in the arteries. A person is said to be suffering from high blood pressure or hypertension when the blood pressure reads 140/90 mm Hg or higher. Some of the common causes of high blood pressure are genetic factors, excessive intake of alcohol, obesity, high intake of salt, lack of aerobic exercise, stress, birth control pills, pain relievers, kidney diseases, adrenal diseases, etc.

Although medication is often prescribed for hypertension patients, one can also control it with simple natural remedies with the help of easily available kitchen ingredients.

Here are the top home remedies for high blood pressure:

Bananas are beneficial to those suffering from high blood pressure and heart attack. Bananas are very nutritious and medicinal. They contain small amounts of protein, but are rich in vitamins, potassium, magnesium and iron. Bananas are highly recommended for those suffering from coronary disease (angina, heart attack and heart failure). They contain significant amounts of B group vitamins necessary for energy production within the heart muscle, as well as magnesium which prevents the progress of arteriosclerosis and inhibits heart attack.

A high blood pressure patient can eat banana regularly to control it. Banana is loaded with potassium which helps in controlling the blood pressure level, and at the same time it has low sodium level and is free of cholesterol which also helps a lot. Try eating one or two bananas daily. Together with banana, you can also try dried apricots, raisins, currants, orange juice, cantaloupe, winter squash, spinach, zucchini, and baked sweet potatoes.

Garlic is probably the world’s oldest and most popular herb for culinary as well as medicinal reasons. Garlic keeps the heart healthy by decreasing cholesterol and blood pressure. When taken either raw or cooked, garlic helps control high blood pressure level and at the same time helps reduce the cholesterol level. When blood pressure level is high, one should try eating one to two cloves of garlic daily after slightly crushing it with the hands. Crushed garlic cloves create hydrogen sulphide, a compound that promotes good blood flow, removes gas and reduces the pressure on the heart. Alternatively, you can make a solution by adding five to six drops of garlic juice to four teaspoon of water and take it twice a day.

The copious combination of vitamins K, C, B6, potassium, calcium, magnesium dietary fibre, and iron present in celery, simultaneously accompanied by only 19 calories, serve as catalyst that contribute considerably to lowered blood pressure when celery is consumed. The high level of 3-N-butylphthalide, a kind of ‘phytochemical’ content present in celery also helps a lot in controlling high blood pressure level. When celery is consumed on regular basis, a person suffering from high blood pressure will notice improvement in his or her blood pressure level. Celery also helps in reducing the stress hormones that constrict blood vessels which leads to high blood pressure. Try eating one stalk of celery together with a glass of water every day; alternatively, munch on celery daily to lower blood pressure.

Lemon juice is commonly used to lower blood pressure (BP) acutely when BP is raised. Drinking lemon juice is beneficial to people suffering from heart problems as it contains potassium. Taking lemon juice or lemonade helps control high blood pressure, dizziness and nausea as lemon provides relaxation to the mind and body, and also reduces mental stress and depression. Consuming lemon regularly helps control hypertension acutely. Lemon helps in making the blood vessels soft and pliable and removes their rigidity which in turn lowers the high blood pressure. In fact, when lemon is consumed regularly, there is less chance of heart failure due to its invaluable Vitamin B content. Those suffering from high blood pressure should drink fresh lemonade several times a day. It is highly recommended that they drink one glass of warm water with lemon juice in it early in the morning on an empty stomach. For optimum result, avoid adding salt or sugar to lemonade (lemon water).

Honey is also one of the world’s oldest and most popular natural remedies. It can reduce blood pressure and also has a calming effect on the blood vessels, hence it can be helpful in reducing high blood pressure. People suffering from hypertension should form the habit of taking one to two teaspoons of unadulterated honey on a daily basis. It is also recommended that they take two teaspoons of honey on an empty stomach in the morning. Alternatively, they can make a mixture of one teaspoon each of honey and ginger juice and two teaspoons of cumin seed powder and eat it twice a day. Another effective remedy is to mix basil juice and honey in equal amounts and take it on an empty stomach every day.

Onion Juice
Onion can also be used to lower high blood pressure. Try eating one medium size raw onion every day. Alternatively, try making a mixture of onion juice and honey by adding half a teaspoon of onion juice to half a teaspoon of honey and take the mixture twice a day to lower your blood pressure. Taking this mixture twice a day for one to two weeks should help lower the blood pressure effectively.

Cayenne Pepper
Those suffering from mild hypertension should be eating cayenne pepper. Cayenne pepper enhances smooth blood flow by preventing platelets from clumping together and accumulating in the blood. One can add some cayenne pepper to a fruit or vegetable salad dish. Alternatively, one can add a pinch of cayenne pepper powder to a bowl of soup before taking the soup. Cayenne pepper can be very spicy, so one needs to add just a little bit to the soup.

Coconut Water
People suffering from high blood pressure should try keeping their body well hydrated. It is advisable that they drink eight to ten glasses of water on a daily basis. In addition to water they can also drink coconut water which is a tasty and nutritious. Coconut water helps a lot in lowering high blood pressure level. When coconut water is taken regularly by a high blood pressure sufferer, there will be significant improvement in the blood pressure level of the person. Besides coconut water, the sufferer can also try coconut oil for cooking.

Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds paste can also be used to effectively lower high blood pressure level. To make the paste, take one to two teaspoon of fenugreek seeds and add them to water and then boil for about two minutes. Strain out the fenugreek seeds and then grind or blend to a paste. Take this paste twice a day, once in the morning on an empty stomach and once in the evening. Follow this procedure religiously for two or three months and you will see considerable improvement in your blood pressure level.

Watermelon Seeds
Watermelon seeds contain a compound known as cucurbocitrin which helps in widening the blood capillaries, and at the same time also helps the kidneys function properly. This in turn helps in reducing blood pressure level and also helps a lot in the treatment of arthritis. To administer water melon seeds for the treatment of high blood pressure, take two teaspoons of dried watermelon seeds, crush them gently before adding them to one cup of boiled water. Steep it for around an hour, then strain it and take four tablespoons of this water at regular intervals in a day.

In conclusion, you can try the aforementioned home remedies as part of the treatment of high blood pressure but at the same time it is highly recommended that you also follow the medical and dietary advice given to you by your physician. Don’t also neglect regular check-ups.

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