Saturday 23 March 2013


Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is a condition which arises when there is a disturbance in the way the body regulates the sugar concentrations in the blood. This can result in two conditions: too much sugar in the blood (hyperglycaemia) or too little sugar in the blood (hypoglycaemia). If prolonged, both conditions can result in unconsciousness and eventually the death of the sufferer. There is no apparent cure for diabetes at the moment but sufferers can live a healthy life by controlling their blood sugar (glucose) levels carefully by balancing the amount of sugar in their diets with insulin injections or tablets; however, there are various natural remedies for diabetes that can also help you to control the blood sugar level.

Here are some home remedies for diabetes:

Jambul also called jamun can help a lot in controlling blood sugar level. Each part of the Jambul plant such as the leaves, berry and seeds can be used by those suffering from diabetes. Jambul is a seasonal fruit which diabetics can include in their diet to help control blood sugar levels as it helps the pancreas function properly. The pancreas is the organ that produces insulin in our body. You can also make a powder of dried seeds of Jambul fruit and take this powder with water twice a day.

Bitter Gourd
Taking bitter gourd juice on an empty stomach can also help diabetics control their blood sugar level properly. First of all, you will have to remove the seeds of two to three bitter gourds and then with the help of a juicer take out the juice from the bitter gourds. Add some water to the juice and then drink the mixture first thing in the morning. This is one of the best home remedies for diabetes. It would also be beneficial to you if you include one dish made of bitter gourd in your diet every day. This should help you in controlling your body’s blood glucose level.

Fenugreek is another herb that can also be used in controlling the blood sugar level. Soak two tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Drink this water together with the seeds in the morning on an empty stomach. Follow this procedure “regularly” for a few months to bring down your high glucose level. Eating two tablespoon of powdered fenugreek seeds daily with milk can also be of great help to you.

Guava has high fibre content and is rich in vitamin C. The consumption of guava can really be helpful in maintaining the blood sugar level; however, ensure you peel off the skin before you eat it for better results. Diabetics can eat guava without any problem but too much consumption of it in a day is not recommended.

Mango Leaves
Delicate and tender mango leaves can also be used to treat diabetes at home. Soak ten to fifteen tender mango leaves in a glass of water and leave it overnight. Filter the water and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. Alternatively, dry the tender leaves in the shade and grind it when it becomes dry. Take half a teaspoon of this powder mango leaves twice a day. This is also an effective home remedy for diabetes.

Powdered cinnamon has the ability to lower blood sugar levels. Add three to four table spoon of cinnamon powder to four glasses of boiling water. Simmer for half an hour in low flame, and then strain the mixture. Drink this mixture every day to treat diabetes. Alternatively, take a pinch of cinnamon and eat it with warm water on a daily basis.

Aloe Vera
There is a natural concoction for diabetes that can also be made from aloe vera gel, bay leaf and turmeric. To make this herbal medicine, take one to two teaspoons of ground bay leaf, one teaspoon of turmeric and mix it properly with an equal amount of aloe vera gel. Drink this mixture every day before lunch and dinner. It will help in controlling your blood sugar level.

The quantity of water you drink every day can also help your body control high blood sugar level. Water will mobilize the high sugar content in blood and thus will help in controlling it. Diabetics should drink at least 2.5 litres of water every day, drinking enough water will also help reduce the risk of other ailments associated with diabetes creeping up.

Moderate exposure to sunlight is essential for leading a healthy life. Sunlight can be of great help to those suffering from diabetes. Sunlight will improve the functionality of vitamin D, which is essential for insulin production. Lack of Vitamin D can result in low insulin production. Thus, it is important you allow your body enjoy sun light for a few minutes every day. This is an excellent and easy remedy for diabetes.

Indian Gooseberry
Indian gooseberry also called Amla can also be used in controlling the blood sugar level. Rich in vitamin C, Indian gooseberry juice can really help the pancreas function properly. Take two to three Indian gooseberries and take out their seeds and then grind them properly to make a fine paste. Now with the help of a cloth you can squeeze out the juice. Take two tablespoon of Indian gooseberry juice and mix it with one cup of water and drink it every day on an empty stomach. Alternatively, take one tablespoonful of Indian gooseberry juice and mix it with a cup of bitter gourd juice and drink it every day for a few months.

The aforementioned home remedies for treating diabetes are all effective but you must also eat healthy foods in small amounts and make regular “walk and exercise” part of your daily routine. It is also highly recommended that you consult your nutritionist and doctor periodically.

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