Wednesday 20 March 2013


When it comes to sex, some people are insatiable! American film actress, Angelina Jolie, is one of such people. She once said, "I need more sex, OK? Before I die I wanna taste everyone in the world!". Sex isn't everything in a relationship but it could be a good bridge between a man and a woman if done right and if done within the confinement of marriage. Sex is emotion in motion, it is that ingredient that could relieve the tension caused by love, it is definitely the answer but yes it shouldn't be abused or become too excessive in a relationship.

Hunter S. Thompson said, "Sex without love is as hollow and ridiculous as love without sex." A relationship without sex lacks the catalyst to relieve tension, it lacks a good bridge between the couples. If love really exists between legally married couples, sex becomes a good bridge between them. Even for unmarried "couples" truly in love, there's always a strong desire for sex but for some religious or other reasons the partners may stay away from it until when the knot is tied. When the knot is tied, sex would relieve the tension caused by the love between them.

Sex is so important in any relationship but it should also be respected. Give in to sex only when true love has evolved; better yet, when you have tied the knot. Robert A. Heinlein caps it all with these words, "Sex without love is merely healthy exercise."

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